Thursday 17 January 2013

Hmmm art...

My walls are bare. They're in need of life. No more boring landscapes. I want to personalise.

You know, this all started with my toilet. toilet. A place of limited attractions. It's pink with 80's style diamond tiles round the sink. That reminded me of those fabulous 80's airbrushed pictures that you used to be able to get in Athena back in the day. 

So I start looking around for something I could hang in there instead of the dull pink picture of dull pink flowers (left there when I brought the house i'll have you know). 

Ah there's a lovely pair of uber cool framed pics on fleabay and I was this (thumb and forefinger almost touching) close to buying it until I realised that if I did, my now slightly 80's toilet would look completely 80's and I may as well paint the woodwork red. 

I loved the 80's but do I want my house in the style? No.

Anyhow, so my mind then wandered as it does to other images from my 80's childhood that I love and this time it all makes sense. So..firstly I have re-discovered cartoonist Annie Lawson. Her manic musings and mind full of questions remind me of my mum and here is a favourite (excuse the fingers..):

So I'm going to put it in a frame and put it...somewhere...where?? I've found some more of her images on postcards which I'm going to dot around including these:

So another iconic image from my childhood for me is the following poster:

This is from 1987 and it reminds me of visits to the Tate with mum. She was a massive art fan and encouraged me to delve into art. This poster is, to me, a beautiful piece of modern art.

I'm also after original art - not prints but original art by unknown artists. Not any old crap but stuff that calls out to me. I've found this which i will hopefully win on fleabay. I love it! It's so 80's, so manic! A definite keeper:

It's called The Committee. It reminds me of 80's exercise books, plastic earings and collectible erasers.

Yay! I won the auction so now comes the dreaded chore that is.......choosing a frame.....

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